Oscar – Elvis – Charlie – My Thunderslot McLarens

The latest releases from Thunderslot are some of the very few I ever pre-ordered. I simply had to have the Oscar Koveleski release. Not to mention the “Elvis Elva” from the movie Spinout. I like the Elva model itself so why not just get both? And that is just what I did.

The video is a long one. I wanted to feature some of the tuning tips I use here. Some were featured in our previous McLaren review and I will share it here as well. All learned from the great racers in our hobby.

The recent passing of the great Oscar Koveleski did take the fun out of this release at first. We lost a great man who contributed so much to our hobby and auto racing. But he would not want any car with his name on it to be ignored.

Below are helpful link we talked about.


Quick Slicks Precision Silicone Tires for new 3 Rib Thunderslot HERE

Paul Gage Urethane Selections HERE

Our first tuning video on the McLaren where discuss lead and front end setup among other items.

Hope this helps some of you. These are some of the finest purpose built slot crs in our hobby and well worth the investment for me.


All models and parts acquired from Slot Car Corner