Category Archives: Slot Car Garage Tech Tips

Scalextric GT Shootout!

Time to put the new Ford GT to the test. With the hot slimline motor, how will it fit into my home racing?

There is more to a motor than just RPM ratings. There is also torque, watts, amp draw…etc.

And we can debate all of that. But what really counts at the end of the day? Is the car simply faster than others due to a different motor? Regardless what the motor data is, how does it perform on the track? That is what this shooutout is all about.


This is on MY track. A wooden routed track, non-magnet. How the car matches up with magnets is another story.

There is no way I can test using all the rules criteria for every club/home series.

Complete Video Report

The Results

Model Final Weight Modifications Lap Average FAST LAP
BMW 70 No 3.96 3.860
Mercedes 84 Yes – Rear Gear 3.67 3.571
Ford GT 77 No 3.77 3.685


So the Mercedes is boss today. Why? Well it just shows you how much performance improvement can be  achieved with quality after-market gear.

But the real eye opener is the times between the new Ford and BMW. In just basic form (aside from tires) the Ford is clearly quicker. On larger tracks with the increased straight distance, this will only widen the gap. 


There are many different club/series rules where YOU race. Since I cannot possibly test under all the varied criteria, I will rely on YOU.

Try the same test and report! Let us know your thoughts and any tuning methods you are using. This would be a big help to your fellow enthusiasts out there.
